Little Bluestem
Life Cycle: Perennial
Introduced/ Native: Native
Growth Habit: Bunch Type
Plant Height: 20-30 inches
● Widely adapted
● Good drought tolerance
● Requires Less fertility than introduced grasses
● Provides good nesting and cover sites for game birds

Little bluestem is a vigorous, long-lived, native bunch grass that is widely distributed over most of the United States. Growth begins late in the spring and continues through the summer. Plants usually grow 1 to 4 feet tall. The plant is very deep rooted which contributes to its persistence and drought tolerance.
Little bluestem has good drought resistance and is adapted to sites that have limited moisture. Little bluestem is easily established on a wide range of soil types.
Little Bluestem provides fair-good grazing for livestock and provides adequate cover for wildlife populations. It is best planted in range mixes for re-vegetation of rangeland or abandoned cultivated land.
Crop USe

Dry Hay

Continuous Grazing
